Rio 2016 – Wheelchair fencing


Wheelchair Fencing has been a part of the Paralympic Games since Rome 1960. With more than a hint of medieval chivalry, the sport is utterly captivating and promises to provide plenty of excitement at the 2016 Games.

The weapons – Sword, Rapier and Sabre – are slightly larger than in traditional Fencing, and the objective is to strike the opponent in specific spots. Athletes wear a system of sensors which detect whether or not their opponent has struck a successful blow.

In the team version, the winner is the first to 45 points, or whoever has more at the end. In individual duels, combat is divided into 3 rounds, with the first round lasting up to three minutes or until one of the Fencers reaches 5 points. The other rounds also last three minutes, or until someone accumulates 45 points.

Another difference is that wheelchairs remain fixed to tracks on the combat stage, which prevents the athlete from being able to move away.

The competition starts on 12 September, in the Arena Carioca 3, Barra da Tijuca.

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