
Igrejas em Londres

Looking for churches?

Check our Business Directory for services and products suppliers, a list compiled especially for you and validated regularly by us containing a range of businesses that are managed by Brazilians or by friends of the Brazilian culture in the UK.

If you would like to be included in this directory and increase visibility for your church, please contact us.

BBMAG Directory & Listing

Ação Ágape Londres 07710 229 273
AD Londres 020 8838 6621
Capelania Brasileira Nossa Sra.Aparecida 020 72477833
Comunidade Evangélica Intl Zona Sul 0800-028-HOPE
Fraternity Spiritist Society 07590 463 500
Igreja Batista 07894 558 246
Igreja Deus é Amor 07540 889 379
Igreja Plenitude 020 3490 3392
Igreja Presbiteriana Renovada 07723 326 653
Seicho-No-Ie UK 07808 232 200
The Umbanda Temple 07576 059 715
The Spiritual Shop 07944 340 285

The above information is provided by the classified owners.