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Why advertise in BBMag
It’s the ideal way to promote your travel destination, business and services to a very niche audience made up of 40% Portuguese-speaking and Spanish-speaking communities living and working in the UK and 60% of British and international audiences based in the United Kingdom, Europe and Latin America.
The advantages of advertising in BBMag
We offer attractive rates so that you can plan your budget to have consistent and strong visibility. We’re flexible with regards to positioning and layout. When advertising with us, we will also include it in our Classified section in the magazine, for no extra charge, and even give it a website banner. Your advert will receive high priority on BBMag Business Directory, with a profile describing your services and company as one of our partners, as well as include your business in our promotional campaigns on social media platforms. We can guarantee that your advert will get the maximum exposure possible during the campaign period.
We are specialists in Lifestyle, Travel and Tourism
You need to be sure that your business or product will be directed towards exactly the right people. Whether your branch of activity is tourist destinations, airlines, eating-out or professional services, you can count on the expertise of our commercial team to reach your target audience.
BBMag Print Edition
We print special editions throughout the year with 20,000 copies reaching over 60,000 readers per edition and distributed for free at strategic locations in London and surrounding area including government organisation, cafes, bars, restaurants, shops, art and exhibition centres, travel agencies and theatres guaranteeing maximum exposure for our advertisers.
BBMag Digital
With a website 100% interactive linked to all the biggest social media platforms, updated regularly with information about what’s going on in the United Kingdom and in the world. Via our social media campaigns, we reach over 800,000 per month. The site is offered in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
BBMag Business Directory
On BBMAG Digital you will also find our spanking BBMag Business Directory, which has already established itself as the reference when it comes to listings of service and product suppliers in London. Your advert could be here too!
What are you waiting for? Contact us! Fill out the form below: