Face masks are the new fashion accessory 


From medical necessity to a fashion statement, renowned designers have transformed personal protective facemasks into the next must-have accessory 

There are several long-standing traditions associated with mask wearing in various cities around the world, but new measures of social distancing and public health and safety protocols have highlighted their role as a protective garment. However, this almost overnight mandate to use facemasks in our everyday lives shouldn’t mean we overlook their potential to be elegant, fun, sophisticated, and the latest accessory to “match” the rest of your wardrobe. 

For the trendsetters, you can now buy pearl-encrusted masks, adorned with Swarovski crystals, embroidered with gold threads, and with leather filters… Famous brands such as Armani, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Supreme, and Adidas have already launched their exclusive lines. The options are endless… You can get masks featuring characters from comic books, TV shows, superheroes, as well as a growing range of face coverings that feature fun drawings, jokes, political messages, animals, landscapes, embroidery… the list goes on. Seems you can find just about any design you can think of. And there’s plenty for the kids to get excited about too, with Disney characters proving a big hit with the younger ones, as are those that are Star Wars and Marvel branded. 

There are designs to suit all tastes and budget, allowing you to choose one that not only best suits your own personality and style but also promotes a newfound responsible side to fashion! 


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