London beauty clinics are always coming up with new techniques and products


Beauty consultants are a Brazilian speciality and, nowadays, there are many beauty centres in London, which offer the latest techniques, guaranteeing excellent results which leave their clients even more beautiful.

Here is a list of five beauty tips, for you to feel yet more beautiful and healthy:

Lose those stretch marks

These unsightly lines can be a depressing distraction, but they aren’t difficult to get rid of: grab a sponge and a firming soap, massage daily into your skin in circular movements. After rinsing, use the following products: elastin cream, almond or rose hip oil. At night, apply vitamin C based creams. They help a lot.


Celulite is localized fat, which is a little unattractive but completely normal. However, there are some DIY tricks to help you get rid of it. In addition to exercise, cut down on the fat and salt intake and don’t use clothes which are too tight. Another tip is to make a half cup of strong coffee, dip a rolled-up bandage in the cup, and wrap it from the waist to your feet. After 15 minutes, remove and drain any excess. Do this twice a week and you’ll soon start to see results.

To remove birth marks

During pregnancy, brown marks can appear on your lap and your arms. The best thing is to treat them with creams with a base of glycolic acid and retinoic, which will remove the marks. You can also use bleaching agents, such as hydroquinone, vitamin C and mequinol.

Drink lots of water

Studies show that drinking half a litre of water before breakfast, lunch and dinner helps with weight loss. As well as helping to eliminate toxins, which make it difficult to transform fat into energy, water also helps to burn more calories. Drinking 8 cups of cold water will burn around 200 calories.

Healthy eating

A diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is the best anti-ageing cream on the market and will improve your skin immeasurably. A great tip for your day to day routine is to eat food rich in vitamins: C (found in oranges and kiwi); E (nuts and corn); A (pumpkin and apricots); selenium (brazil nuts); zinc (oysters and milk); bioflavonoids (dark grapes and citrus fruits); catechins (strawberries and green tea); and isoflavones (soya).

For best results, get in touch with London beauty clinics who are partners of the Brazilian community and BBMag! Click here.


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BBMAG is the only London-based bilingual publication specialised in Brazilian and Latin American lifestyle. BBMag is free to all UK based readers ensuring that all our sponsors and advertisers benefit from 100% awareness to our given distribution audience made up of governments and establishments, industry organisations, bars and restaurants, arts centres, schools, cinemas, theatres, shows, festivals, events’ venues and many more...