Thermal baths are being used to treat various conditions, from arthritis to postoperative recovery, so are increasingly popular
Hot thermal springs are in demand due to their medicinal properties. These waters, which are heated deep below the Earth’s surface and subject to a series of natural processes, have proven to be effective in the treatment of arthritis, insomnia, anxiety, rheumatism, stress and even postoperative rehabilitation.
There are several water parks and health resorts throughout Brazil that offer such thermal baths. Two excellent examples in the State of São Paulo are the natural springs of Lindoia and the famous Thermas dos Laranjais, in Olympia.
One of the country’s most famous spots is Poços de Caldas, in Minas Gerais, where the centre’s bathhouse dates back to 1896. Besides the thermal waters, the city—one of the oldest spa towns in Brazil—is worth visiting for its historical significance alone.
Caldas Novas, in the State of Goiás, is another municipality of note, and home to the largest hydrothermal resort in the world. The waters bubble from hot springs at temperatures ranging from 43º to 70º. In the waters of the Lagoa Quente do Pirapitinga, one of the main features of the region, it’s possible to boil an egg in 3 minutes flat!
In the northeast region of the country, more specifically in Mossoró, there’s another popular thermal hot spot. These thermal waters are somewhat of an anomaly, though, as most of the country’s springs are located in the South.
The UK also has a coveted spa city, aptly named Bath, in Somerset. The waters are used by the Thermae Bath Spa for its sublime rooftop bathing pool.
Brazil has an interesting range of thermal water parks, as well as family water parks. If in Europe, there’s also the unforgettable option of visiting Veneto’s thermal spas, which is just one aspect of the Italian region’s charm (see articles on pages 34-35 and 38-39).