Book club: Avalovara – Osman Lins – 1973


Avalovara is a masterpiece of Brazilian literature, this novel by Osman Lins has an unusual characteristic that deserves full recognition: the story is told through the literary structure known as Quadrado Sator, which is nothing more than a magic square. Based on the palindrome sator arepo tenet opera (Latin), the novel unfolds as an analogy of the narrative construction, that is, no matter which way you choose to read the book the meaning of the story is the same. The text explores the square and spiral shapes, merging all the stories into one.

The author’s influences were great novels like Werther, by Goethe; The Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri; Moby Dick, by Herman Melville; and La Modification by Michel Butor.

The next meeting of Book Club will discuss about this literature classic.

When: october 20

Time of the meeting: 6.30pm

Where: Embassy of Brazil in London

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