Bookclub: O Guarany

 For the month of July, the Embassy of Brazil in London Book Club will have a session focussing on a Brazilian classic: The Guarani, published in 1857 by José de Alencar.

The story evolves around the two characters Cecília and Peri, a Guarani Indian who, having once saved the girl’s life, is invited to live in a cabin on her family’s farm. Unfortunately, Ceci’s brother ends up killing an Indian woman from the Aimoré tribe, who then attempt to kill Ceci in retribution, but are prevented from doing so by Peri. This then sparks a war between the Aimorés and Cecília’s family, the Marizes. As the story goes on, other significant characters pop up, such as Álvaro, Loredano, D. Diogo Mariz (Ceci’s brother), Dona Lauriana, Isabel and D. Antônio Mariz.


Where: Embassy of Brazil in London

When: 21 July at 6:30pm

Further information:



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