Carlos Junqueira – Brazilian designer in London


Carlos Junqueira is a Paulista (from São Paulo) famous for his typically Brazilian designs. His shop, Espasso, enjoyed such success in New York that he decided to take on Los Angeles, Miami and London

Espasso, which specialises in modern and contemporary Brazilian furniture, focuses on preserving 20th century design with a modern twist. It’s a space that promotes both modern, upcoming artists as well as older, more established designers.

Carlos decided to expand in September in 2012, and has since taken off in Soho, London. The shop has London charm, tall and narrow with five floors, three of which are solely dedicated to Brazilian design. Big names from the world of Brazilian design, such as Etel Carmona, Jorge Zalszupin, Sergio Rodrigues, Isay Weinfeld, and Lia Siqueira, all have their work on display. The other two floors are dedicated to temporary exhibitions by artists from all over the world.

Why not swing by and have a look?

3 Netil Lane
Netil House
1A Westgate Street
London, E8 3RL

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BBMAG is the only London-based bilingual publication specialised in Brazilian and Latin American lifestyle. BBMag is free to all UK based readers ensuring that all our sponsors and advertisers benefit from 100% awareness to our given distribution audience made up of governments and establishments, industry organisations, bars and restaurants, arts centres, schools, cinemas, theatres, shows, festivals, events’ venues and many more...