Brazilian brings Edgar Allan Poe adaption to London


“Adventure of One Hans Pfall”, is a production from the Brazilian artist Vini Carvalho, and will be put on at the Putney Arts Theatre, in London.

Based on Poe’s work, the play tells the story of a man who wants to escape his misery by traveling to the moon in an enormous hot air balloon. His scientific dabblings allow him to go on the journey by himself, and along the way he confronts danger whilst passing through some beautiful landscapes, always believing that anything is possible.

The play will make use of multimedia tools, with video projection, unique costumes and of course stage performance, all in the name of keeping the public intrigued and fascinated.

An inspiring tale about perseverance and rebirth, which promises to melt even the coldest of hearts.

Where: Putney Arts Theatre, London

Time: 22 July at 7:30pm

23 July at 7:30pm

24 July at 3pm and 7:30pm

Further information:

To purchase tickets online:


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BBMAG is the only London-based bilingual publication specialised in Brazilian and Latin American lifestyle. BBMag is free to all UK based readers ensuring that all our sponsors and advertisers benefit from 100% awareness to our given distribution audience made up of governments and establishments, industry organisations, bars and restaurants, arts centres, schools, cinemas, theatres, shows, festivals, events’ venues and many more...