The film “Cinema, aspirins and vultures” will be shown at the next meeting of the Cineclub at the Embassy of Brazil in London.
Directed by Marcelo Gomes, the story takes place in the North-eastern sertão region, in 1942, and tells the tale of Johan, a German on the run from the war, who finds himself working as an aspirin salesman in the countryside of the Brazilian Northeast. Driving his truck around the highways of the region, he meets Ranulpho, who is trying to make his way south to Rio, in search of work. The pair’s chance encounter proves to be a life-changing start of a new friendship.
Johan’s sales strategy consists of putting on shows of promotional films for simple country-folk, to convince them that aspirin is the answer to all their problems. The entrepreneurial pair’s plans seem to be heading in one direction until, one day, things change.
Worth the watch!
After the session, filmgoers will be able to chat with Natalia Pinazza (Birkbeck) and Antonio da Silva (University of Kent), who are part of the “Journeys in Brazilian Cinema season” project.
When: 2 November
Time: 6:30pm
Where: Embassy of Brazil in London
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