Cities for Enjoying the Brazilian Winter


In theory, the Brazilian winter lasts from 22 June to 22 September, but the country is much better known for its high temperatures. The truth is that the North, Northeast, and Central-West regions are pretty hot for most of the year, but few realise that a few cities spread around the South and Southeast boast a milder climate. For fans of cool weather or those who want a break from the searing heat, we present a list of places you may fall in love with.

Gramado (RS)

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An enchanting destination, Gramado is in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. It is one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations for Brazilians and foreign visitors. Thanks to its location in the Southern Highlands, it has an invigorating climate and low winter temperatures quite similar to European ones. With charming, German-inspired architecture and spectacular natural attractions, Gramado is full of cultural and touristic highlights and stunning scenery.



Petrópolis (RJ)

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Known as the Imperial City, Petrópolis’ DNA is loaded with history. Its name was a tribute to Emperor Dom Pedro (Petro = Pedro and Polis = City). The main tourist point is the Imperial Palace, a Museum full of engravings and historical documents today. Other attractions and possibilities include cathedrals, horse-drawn carriage rides and culinary delights.





Bento Gonçalves (RS)

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Bento Gonçalves is considered the Brazilian capital of wine, with 36 regional wineries. Anyone who enjoys good wine and some chilly weather should try to visit. For sports lovers, the city has plenty to offer: follow the Vale do Rio das Antas (Tapir River Valley) path to enjoy rafting and trekking. 





Urubici (SC)

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A city which is perfect for sports lovers, with incredible scenery. Thanks to its sub-zero temperatures and a few competitors, Urubici vies for the top spot on the list of coldest places in Brazil. Some of its attractions are the Morro da Igreja (Church Hill), with its spectacular full view of the South Santa Catarina coastline, as well as cave-paintings in the Serra do Corvo Branco (White Crow Highlands) and brilliant local gastronomy.



Nova Friburgo (RJ)

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Nova Friburgo is known as a lingerie capital, but whoever thinks the city is limited to underwear needs to be corrected. The region boasts numerous waterfalls, streams and footpaths for day trippers, hikers and mountain bikers alike to enjoy. Surrounded by the Atlantic Forest, Nova Friburgo can offer incredible scenery along with culinary pleasures.



Campos do Jordão (SP)

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Known as Brazilian Switzerland, Campos do Jordão is the highest city in Brazil (5341 ft.). A great tip is to take in the architecture and sample the chocolates and fondues – local specialities -whilst enjoying the scenery and European climate. Campos do Jordão is Brazil’s most popular tourist destination once the winter winds start blowing. Make the most of abundant day trips and cosy chalets.



For more information about Brazil, travelling to Brazil, Holidays in Brazil and Brazilian tourism please also visit VBRATA Visit Brazil Travel Association.


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