If you already find organising your life around your salary difficult, having it paid in two separate only complicates things. Paying staff salaries in two instalments is common practice amongst private companies, and can lead many people to lose track of their spending (and their debts). Therefore, this month we clarify your doubts and, hopefully, help you organise your finances.
The key is to be organised! You can’t just turn a blind eye and simply carry on swiping your debit card.
Study your payslip and, if necessary, ask a member of the HR team to clarify any of your doubts.
Understand how much is paid and discounted each month, this way you’ll have a clearer understanding of your overall salary.
Make a list of all your bills and note when each one is due. Fixed expenses, such as condominium service charges, mortgage payments, cable television, amongst others, set aside to pay on the 5th of every month. Ideally, settle all critical and fixed outgoings early in the month.
Leave all variable expenses, such as your mobile phone bill, for the 20th of each month. As the months pass to get an idea of your average monthly expenditure, hence allowing you to project your spending for the following month. Before that happens, though, get yourself organised!
Another secret to making your money go further is to have it automatically invested in a fund. This means that you’re already getting paid and guarantees that your money continues realise greater returns.
Another alternative is to make this type of investment manually, meticulously and without delays. The ideal time to invest is at the beginning of each month, that is, when you receive the first half of your salary.
Be disciplined and put money away each month! This is extremely important for your future. Make a list of your dreams and come up with a strategy of saving and investing money.
Credit cards can be used by organised people, but with care and control. The risk is that you end up forgetting about the instalments and become unable to pay off the full amount invoiced. If you’re not organised, it’s better to keep the credit card in the drawer and only use the debit on a day-to-day basis.
The ideal rule is to divide your spending between that which is deemed essential (which should account for 50% of your salary), the superfluous (30%) and investments (20%). That way you can stay organised and lead an orderly financial life.
Keep an eye out here every month, when we’ll bring you tips to help make life a little easier!