Rio 2016 – Municipal Bank Holidays in Rio


So as to ensure the smoothest possible running of the 2016 Olympic Games, a few extra public holidays have been declared for the City of Rio. The idea is to cause the least disruption to both the competition and the locals going about their daily business.

Municipal Bank Holidays

4 August- Thursday
Olympic Flame relay through the city

5 August – Friday
Official opening of the Games

18 August – Thursday
A number of streets will be closed off as a result of the Triathlon, which will take place in the South of the City

22 August – Monday
The day after the Olympic Closing Ceremony

1 – 28 August
School holidays, which usually occur in July, will be moved to August

Rio City Council states that it may be necessary to add one or two other dates to this list. Rest assured that any such changes will be updated here on BBMag’s site.


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