Schools, courses and lessons in London


There are lots of options for schools, courses and lessons in London, taught by specialised teachers who are used to dealing with international students.

From English courses to bilingual schools for children, and university courses in the most varied of areas, you will have little trouble finding what you need in London.

As well as courses in English, which is not always easy for new arrivals to the UK – there are a few basic tips to help you in your quest for knowledge. Here is a list to help you make learning English a habit:


  1. Rent out good films and watch them twice, so that you know the story well. Then watch a third time without subtitles.
  2. Sign up for cable TV and watch as much English TV as possible.
  3. Memorize the lyrics to your favourite songs in English and sing along.
  4. Practice speaking. Read out loud, carefully enunciating every word, for at least ten minutes per day.
  5. Invest in a good bilingual dictionary and study the phonetics.
  6. When you are reading in English, ignore unknown words and concentrate on the ones you do know. Only pick up the dictionary if an unknown word keeps reappearing.
  7. Start a diary in English. This will help you to structure your thinking in the new language.
  8. Copy out texts in English. This helps you to memorize grammar structures and vocabulary.
  9. Make an effort to always think in English instead of trying to translate first. This helps your brain to get used to the language.
  10. Make full use of the internet to read magazines in English. Comprehension will come with time and practice. BBMag is a great place to start!


To give your learning a boost, it’s worth keeping an eye open for courses. Have a look at the list of BBMag’s partners who offer schools, courses and lessons in London, in the Business Directory, which can be found here.




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BBMAG is the only London-based bilingual publication specialised in Brazilian and Latin American lifestyle. BBMag is free to all UK based readers ensuring that all our sponsors and advertisers benefit from 100% awareness to our given distribution audience made up of governments and establishments, industry organisations, bars and restaurants, arts centres, schools, cinemas, theatres, shows, festivals, events’ venues and many more...