The complete name in the time of the Portuguese Empire


In the time of the Portuguese Empire signing your name could take some time

The complete name of D. Pedro I – the first Emperor of Brazil – was Pedro de Alcântara Francisco Antônio João Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquim José Gonzaga Pascoal Cipriano Serafim de Bragança and Bourbon. The Empress, Tereza Cristina, also needed some time to sign the full name: Teresa Cristina Maria Giuseppa Gasparre Baltassarre Melchiore Gennara Rosalia Lucia Francesca d’Assisi Elisabetta Francesca di Padova Donata Bonosa Andrea d’Avelino Rita Liutgarda Geltruda Venancia Taddea Spiridione Rocca Matilde.

Brazilians at sea with a British admiral Brazilians at sea with a British admiral

The first commander of the Brazilian Navy was an English admiral, named Alexander Cochrane, in 1823.



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