Reach the Brazilian and Portuguese-speaking communities in the UK, Brazil and Europe, as well as Brits and international audiences
BBMag is the only London-based bilingual Anglo-Brazilian publication dedicated to lifestyle, travel & tourism, culture with gastronomy, food and drinks, music and business.
BBMag is distributed to UK based readers at no cost, ensuring that the reach and impact of our sponsors and advertising partners are maximised amongst this very specific audience. Our readership and distribution are mostly made up of Brazilian governmental entities, industry organisations, bars and restaurants, art centres, schools, cinemas, theatres, shows, festivals, event venues and more.
Why advertise with BBMag
It’s the ideal way to promote your services to the Brazilian and Portuguese-speaking communities in the UK, as well as British and international audiences that have a specific interest in Brazil.
The advantages of advertising with BBMag
We offer attractive discounts for long-term media purchases so that you can maximise your budget and plan a strong, impactful campaign. We are also flexible and accommodating in terms of your advertisement’s positioning and layout. If you place an advert with us, half-page or greater, we will also include it in our “Classified” section of the magazine alongside some additional online advertising, for no extra cost. Your advert will also feature in our BBMag Business Directory, with a profile describing your company’s services as one of our partners, and on our social media platforms. We guarantee that your advert will gain maximum exposure during your campaign period.
We are specialists in Lifestyle
You need to be sure that your business or product will be targeted at exactly the right people. Whether you work with airlines, art or exhibition centres, travel agencies, restaurants or music festivals, you can count on the expertise of our commercial team to reach your target audience.
Exclusive Readership
Each print version of BBMag has a readership of 60,000; 60% being British and international readers and the remaining 40% made up of Brazilians and Portuguese-speaking communities living and working in the UK. BBMag digital reaches over 800,000 users throughout the UK, Europe and Brazil, given our busy social media activity.
BBMag Print Edition
The print edition is published twice a year (May and November), in partnership with some high profile cultural events, with a circulation of 20,000 copies per issue. We also print special editions throughout the year. It is distributed free of charge at strategic points throughout London and the United Kingdom, such as cafes, bars, restaurants, art and exhibition centres, travel agencies, Brazilian diplomatic missions, theatres, festivals and a host of other events, guaranteeing maximum exposure for our advertisers.
BBMag Digital
A 100% interactive website, linked to all the biggest social media platforms, updated daily with information about what’s going on in Brazil and the United Kingdom. Our social media campaigns reach over 800,000 Brazilians in the UK and abroad, as well as over 200,000 English-speaking communities per week.
BBMag Business Directory
On our website, you will also find our brand new BBMag Business Directory, which has already established itself as the go-to reference when it comes to listings of products and services in London. Your advert could be here!